Last week, Scouts from Basford, Madeley and Porthill took part in a Dragon Boating Competition in Chester. Basford and Madeley raced together and Porthill had some Scouts from 1st Weston and Weston Point Scouts from Runcorn with them. Sixteen…
St. George’s Day Parade
Don’t forget that this Sunday, 22nd April, is our St. George’s Day Parade in Newcastle. The parade will assemble in the Queen’s Gardens at 2.30 pm for a 2.45 pm start. UNIFORM: Please encourage all Members to wear correct uniform…
14th Basford’s New Website
14th Basford are pleased to announce that their new website is now up and running. Please take a look at it here.
Castle Capers 2012
It is always hard to assess just how well an activity has gone – Just exactly what criteria do you use to make the assessment? Castle Capers 2012 can be judged in a number of ways – Firstly as a…
1st Porthill’s Drum Corps
1st Porthill’s Drum Corps has just had its first annual Band Inspection. All Scout Bands have a yearly inspection to ensure that they uphold the correct standards for a Scout band which performs in public. Happily they passed! Some of…
94th Keele Cubs’ Olympic Camp
94th Keele Cubs recently completed a camp which had an Olympic theme with Cubs from 21st Hartshill Cubs from Three Towns District. You can read all about their camp below.
Castle Capers Gang Show
Our Gang Show, Castle Capers is on this week. The show will run from Tuesday 10th to Saturday 14th of April nightly at 7:15pm with a matinee on Saturday at 2:15pm. This year we have returned to the Mitchell Memorial…
DC’s Update
At last night’s District Executive Meeting there were a number of points mentioned that really ought to be communicated to yourselves directly. Firstly – A decision was made about the 2012 District AGM. It had been felt that the Civic…
Cub’s Five-a-Side Football
The District Cubs 5 A-side football competition was held at Keele last month. Winners were Holy Trinity who beat Ashley in the Final 3rd place went to Red Street. Congratulations to the winners and all who took part. More photos…