On Sunday 3rd April 2022, on a chilly running track at Keele Sports Centre, 50 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Leaders & their families, joined together to take part in Newcastle-under-Lyme District Scout’s first ever Scout to 5K event.
Dressed in sportswear, colourful clothes, and fancy dress everyone pushed themselves to run, walk, hop, skip, or jump the 5 kilometre course to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Between them they have raised a whopping total of £1,750 with more money still coming in. If you want to contribute and sponsor our scouts you can do so here:
Cancer touches every part of every community and Newcastle District are proud to be donating this money with such a worthy cause.
Well done to everyone who took part in this successful event- don’t forget to claim your personal challenge and fitness badges from your Leaders!