I’m heartbroken to announce that my dear friend, one of our inspirational volunteer leaders, Vivienne Bradford lost her battle with cancer today, age 58 years. 

Viv has tirelessly worked to enhance the lives of young people through scouting for over 17 years. As a Scout, Explorer, District and County Leader, including Duke of Edinburgh assessor. Also as a group and county executive member, she has always been willing to go the extra mile to ensure that young people gained the best scouting experience possible.

Her dedication was recognised in 2010 with the award of Chief Scouts Commendation and in 2021 in the Scout Association Award for Merit.

When St Giles Scout group and Explorer unit no longer had a regular meeting place, Viv worked tirelessly to ensure the continuation of the Group and secured a lease on a suitable building within Newcastle centre, so that the Group and unit could continue to thrive. Additionally, she was chairperson of the hall committee, helping to run the building ensuring the hall is a hub for the local community.

Tributes are already being paid to this remarkable woman, who has supported the community, Newcastle and Stone town centres, countless volunteers and young people to achieve their potential.

We have lost a great friend.

Our deepest sympathy is with Ian, Harry and Sarah, and to all Viv’s family and friends, and using Ian’s words

‘Celebrate her life with us and raise a glass to her tonight, and give some time to those you hold most dear.’ 

Funeral details will be made available when known. 

Vera Bloor

District Commissioner