On Saturday 20th September 2014, the District will be holding an event in Newcastle to raise money for the Douglas Macmillian Hospice and to raise the profile of Scouting in Newcastle. We will be by the Guildhall and Market Cross in the Town Centre from 10am until 3pm.
As well as being in the Town centre, our Groups around the District will be holding their own events.
In the Town we will have a climbing wall for everyone to try, face painting, a hog roast, a chance to try your circus skill and many more activities. Not forgetting the chance to have a cake and a coffee while donating some money to the Douglas Macmillan Hospice!
You also have the chance to be entertained by 1st Porthill’s Drum Corps and the cast of our Gang Show, Castle Capers. There will be Scouts of all ages around to talk to andyou will be able to meet the Town Crier, Deputy Mayor and our local MP.
We hope to see you there and that we can raise a lot of money for this worthwhile local charity.