We are sad to announce that Robert Harrop, Ex Scout Leader at 79th Clayton, Assistant District Commissioner (Scouts) & District Commissioner, lost his long battle against illness and passed away in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary on Thursday 21st August.
“People may remember that his tenure as DC was after Mrs Margaret Boyson and before Mr Kay Ellis.
When he was ADC Scouts, I remember helping to run Patrol Leader Training weekends where “Bob” wished to do “something surprising – to wake them up!” and I remember him encouraging me to have a pretend falling out with another Leader to prove some point or other (I can’t remember what the point was – but I remember the pretend shouting match, the looks of shock on Patrol Leaders’ faces and the smiles when all was explained). While he was DC he invited me to become his ADC Scouts.”
Steve Broadhurst (District Appointments Secretary & former DC)
We would like to pass on our condolences to his family and friends.