Firstly a quick reminder of the date for our District St George’s Day service – April 28th meeting at Queen’s Gardens at 2.30 for a 2.45 start, parading to St Giles’ Church for service and dismissal.
Dave Gray has agreed to be Parade Marshall once again.
Secondly a note that the District Annual General Meeting is on Thursday 27th June and will be held at what we all still know as the United Reform Church (where the URC Clayton Group meet!!) In fact the church has a new name but giving that would certainly confuse everybody. It is in Stafford Av, Clayton.
The plan for the AGM is as the last few years – the “business” of the meeting will be held in the church itself and will be followed by refreshments in the annexe.
You are all invited and hopefully as many of you as can will bring a display of something you have done in the last year – these displays will be sited in the annexe. Maybe, as each Group has had money from the Division during the year, a display about how that was spent MIGHT be a suitable subject – certainly we would need to report back on how that money was spent.
Thursday 27th June
United Reformed Church (Church and Annexe)
Stafford Avenue
Set up displays 6.30
Meeting itself 7.30
Displays and refreshments 8.00
Steve Broadhurst
District Commissioner