Sunday APRIL 28th 2013
The Service will be held at St Giles’ Church, beginning at 3 pm
ASSEMBLY: Parade to assemble in the Queen’s Gardens at 2.30 pm for a 2.45 pm start. The order of the Parade will be: Porthill Scout Band; Scout and Guide flag party; Beaver Scouts and Rainbow Guides; Cub Scouts and Brownie Guides; Scouts carrying District flag; Scouts, Guides, Explorer Scouts, Ranger Guides and Members of the Scout Network. (Although Explorer Young Leaders might well prefer to parade with sections they work with and this is fine)
UNIFORM: Please encourage all Members to wear correct uniform with GROUP SCARF and NO JEANS. Youngsters should be asked to wear adequate underclothing beneath their uniform so that they may parade without an assortment of coats if the weather is dry (protective clothing should be worn if it is wet).
PARADE ROUTE: (Subject to police approval) The parade will proceed up the Ironmarket, turning right into the High Street. The salute will be taken by the Mayor at the Cenotaph, after which the parade will move directly into the church.
FLAGS: Scout and Guide flags will be at the front of the parade to provide a ceremonial head of the parade and to accompany the Union Flag.. Other flags will be in front of their Section or Unit. A small contingent of Scouts will carry flags in front of the Scout Section. The Union Flag will be at the front of the parade and will continue to St Giles’. One Leader will be at the front of each Section, all others at the rear of the Section or Unit.
At St Giles’ Church, all flags will form up on either side of the drive as they arrive ready for the Mayor’s arrival. They will enter the church after the Mayor is seated.
Over the last few years there have been flags paraded in church that did not attend the rehearsal – this does make it very difficult for the organisers – please try to encourage as many as possible to attend the rehearsal. If not at the rehearsal flag bearers may be asked not to parade in church as too many bearers do not know the procedure.
COLLECTORS: Four from the Scout Association and four from the Guide Association, to be supervised by Scout Active Support members.
DISMISSAL: Parade will be dismissed by the Parade Marshal inside the Church at about 4.00 pm.
PLEASE REMAIN SEATED UNTIL THE MAYOR AND THE INVITED GUESTS HAVE LEFT THE CHURCH and await instruction from the Scout Active Support members.
Each Section Leader should designate a landmark at which to meet parents after the dismissal and escort youngsters to that place.
The identity of the Parade Marshall will be revealed nearer the day.
REFRESHMENTS: Refreshments will be served after the service in the church hall for guests and Leaders.
PARENTS AND INVITED GUESTS: A few seats are reserved for our invited guests at the front of the church. Parents are most welcome to attend subject to space limitations, but should leave the Church promptly at the end of the Service to avoid congestion by the doorway. Leaders should arrange to meet parents in a designated place after the Service (see above).
Steve Broardhurst
District Commissioner