Today, the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts of 1st St. Andrews Porthill Scout Group, along with Porthill’s Brownies and Guides, paid tribute to those who have been killed while serving in the armed forces, by parading through the streets of Bradwell and Porthill and taking part in an act of Remembrance at St. Andrews Church Porthill.

The parade started at St. Barnabas Church Bradwell and was led by the Scout Group’s Drum Corp which is made up of members of the Cubs and Scouts. The young people were joined by members of the congregation of St. Barnabas Church, parish priest Fr. Andrew Knight and by a number of local Borough Councillors.

The parade was watched by many people along the route, including as it passed Regent Court, Frank Simpson, the Group’s oldest ex member who had served in the army in the Second World War and had friends in the Scouts who had been killed in action.

The Beavers carried poppies with the names of the 22 Porthill Scouts who had been killed while serving in the First and Second World Wars.

At Porthill’s War Memorial, a wreath was laid by a Scout and Guide in memory of all those killed and our youngest Beaver laid a wreath from Frank Simpson, in memory of the Scouts he knew who had been killed. Also, a wreath from Staffordshire County Council was laid on the Memorial.

The parade was very well attended and it is estimated that over 150 people walked from Bradwell to Porthill!

More photos are in Porthill’s Gallery.

Photos courtesy of N A Wood