This morning I opened an email which informed me that Don Rowe had died. Many of the older members of the District will remember Don as Camp Warden of Kibblestone. He was the warden when I used to camp at Kibblestone as a scout and always seemed to remember me (I can’t remember what I must have done wrong all those years ago!!). Don was made vice-president of the Division and up until quite recently was still to be seen at a few events at Kibblestone.

I saw him last at the memorial service for his wife, Nancy, and while obviously quite frail he was still happy to talk about times gone by. I enclose the email I received and will pass on any further information.

Steve Broadhurst – District Commissioner

“It is with sad regret that I inform you of the death of Don Rowe, Divisional Vice President and former Warden at Kibblestone Camp.

I have been informed that the funeral is to be private but there will be a service of thanksgiving, of which details are not as yet available. I will let you know as soon as I have any information.”