Our County Commissioner, Jeremy Cotton, is retiring in September and at our AGM, the District gave him a present. Below is a copy of the letter he sent to the District Commissioner.
Dear Steve
I wanted to write to you, to express my thanks to you and all of Newcastle District for my wonderful present. A copy of “Mud, Sweat and Tears” signed by Bear himself is absolutely wonderful – truly took my breath away. I do hope you got a book fot yourself.
I have had a wonderful time as County Commissioner and met some lovely people. I have always enjoyed the Newcastle AGMs, saying a few words, and meeting old friends. The 8 years have flown by with hardly time to draw breath. We have all come a long way together and delivered some good Scouting along the way.
Please pass on my sincere thanks to all in Newcastle for my present and my kind regards for all they do in Scouting.
Yours in Scouting