Audley Scout Group has always been, and still is, a very successful Group, but over the last two years or so has lost a number of Leaders, mainly through changes in job circumstances, and is really struggling to cope and recruit replacements.

If I was to say it operates a successful programme with one leader acting as Cub Scout Leader & Beaver Scout Leader (with an Assistant in the Pack and the Colony), without a Scout Leader but with Assistant Scout Leaders (neither of whom can take on SL because of work rotas and one of whom is likely to move away) and without a Group Scout Leader to co-ordinate any recruitment – you’d see the problem.

The likelihood is that it will become necessary to shut the Troop before the summer unless we find a solution, or at least a temporary solution, to the Scout Leader problem and really we could do with increasing leadership in all areas. The group HAS tried to recruit but has yet to succeed.

If anybody feels they can be part of a solution on a temporary (or of course permanent) basis – could you please contact me  (via the Contact page) so we can discuss things?

Steve Broadhurst
District Commissioner